Call for hosting the next ELACTA Conferences in 2024, and 2026

Elacta is searching for member associations willing to cooperate with ELACTA and to host the next ELACTA conferences in 2024, and in 2026.

ELACTA conferences usually gather about 400 participants, among IBCLCs and other professionals working in breastfeeding and lactation.

The organization and planning of the conference is more easily accomplished if it is started well in advance. Therefore we decided to receive applications not only for the next conference in 2024, but also to start planning for the following one in 2026!

If you want to contribute to develop and strengthen the IBCLC profession, to bring a high quality educational opportunity in your country and Europe, then consider applying!

Member associations must self-nominate. Application should be submitted before April 15, 2022.

  • The partner association should provide 3 or 4 persons to work on the conference taskgroup
  • All taskgroup members should be able to communicate in English
  • Experience in organization of large educational events is appreciated
  • They should be available for, at least, monthly online meetings and to meet in person at the Conference location about 3 to 4 times for 2 consecutive days meetings (weekdays or weekends).
  • Taskgroup members who attended previous ELACTA conferences are a plus

If you are interested in applying, reach out to
The decision will be announced during the General Assembly.

General Assembly.